Saturday, January 29, 2011

Egyptian protests

The situation in Egypt is into its 2nd day of mass protest. The government has cut off a majority of internet & cell phone service in the country. Thousands of Egyptians are protesting, demanding that Hosni Mubarak resign from his 30 year reign as a "democratically elected president" but he refuses to step down and seems to be completely out of touch with the population. The Egyptian army appears to be siding with the people more than the president, showing little effort to disturb any sort of peaceful protest but there have been reported injuries & deaths. I'm in no position to choose a side, but because of the sheer size of this demonstration it only seems logical to support the demonstrators in their effort to achieve a legitimate democracy. My thoughts and prayers are with the Egyptian people. I hope that this demonstration resolves with no more injuries or deaths, that they are able to implement a more transparent and just government as soon as possible.

for continuous coverage here is a live stream provided by the Al Jazeera news network

Hope for the best
-Kevin McCourt

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